Friday, January 15, 2010

Temporary Protective Status to Haitians, WOW!

I am highly upset with the government today, just saw the report (Temporary status to Haitians) wow! OK, I was not upset for the humanitarian aid given, but dam. . Now they can come and get drivers licenses, and work permits. I thought we were in a recession and at 17% unemployment rate and that is just the unemployment that is reported. What about all the people who use to get paid under the table that lost jobs, lolol

Now we have to not only fight the Haitians that are here and willing to work for beans, now more of their families are arriving and will do the same thing. DAYUM! Plenty of Americans feel the same way I do, especially when you loose a cushy $32 an hour job to a Haitian that doesn't have half the experience, common sense, english, or education that you do. But you find out, it was all about the money, and they said they would work for $9 an hour, so your ass is now out of a job. You cant work at KFC, bcuz you are too educated or a flight risk (when u find a better job making what you use to make, your gone). I am one of those Americans, Hey Mr. Obama can I get a stimulus package to pay my rent, so I wont die on the streets due to starvation and homelessness.

They come over and start their own communites, never learn English and look at us like we are crazy if we wont to live among them. They are in this country for 14 years and dont speak english ( or at least they pretend to) I do admire how they buy at each others businesses and even if that fellow Haitian cheats them, they will still go back. They easily get government grants from uncle sam, but a citizen has to do dog and pony tricks. (but other immigrants get that treatment as well)

When America has a natural disaster, our aid comes for our government, am i correct? I dont remember French in New Orleans or New York. Did we get aid and help packages from other countries, I really don't remember, enlighten me readers. I need to know. . I remember, me helping and other Americans, I saw an article today about Haitians sending aid back home, they have been doing that.. What's new? I had a Haitian co-worker in Jacksonville, saying she didnt have it to give to Katrina victims and we worked together. She drove a nice car and lived in a nice home, but I bet she sent money to Haiti.

The biggest Haitian communities are in Miami. We house almost 300,000 Haitians, some came legally(nothing against them), others came legally (but never left when visa or status was over) Umm, some swam over, and others stole away by any means necessary. WTF. . . . I think all those proud Haitians here, should go back and physically help build Haiti, they could be a great nation, but all of their citizens are running here and Canada. . May the Dominicans should buy the land and they could use that money to rebuild and call themselves Dominicans, lolol

Ya know, I just was wondering, what other countries are going to line up and let them come and give them food stamps, drivers license, and Citizenship like us (United States)? If you have seen the reports, please comment for others to see. I would appreciate it. I know they may go to other countries, but where?

I dont know, i am just pissed at Obama, and the U.S and dont hate me, i am not the only one who feels this way. The others are just scared. . I dont give a fuck and speak my mind. Dam! Miami is messed up. We had a few homeless die on the street last week, who came forward to help them. You cant get $5 for domestic violence, Autism research, homelessness, orphans( adoptions), church's who help people pay their rent, or any organization to help someone here in our backyard. . Hey Angelina, Brad, Tiger can we get some help with shelters for the homeless. We do have single men and women on the streets dying everyday. . They cant find a job, and not becuz of lack of experience or education, its becuz someone else will do it for $3 an hour.

I am just floored today, thats all. You would be frustrated too, if you saw people tryin to help over here and you cant raise a dime out of someone, bcuz they claim not to have any money to help orphan kids or autistic kids and they take $14,000 in cash to donate to Haiti. I mean, they only wanted a $30 donation. Dont they need supplies in Haiti, why did you go buy and deliver supplies? Someone just bought a new Birkin Bag, or a new car, lolol. Too many mom and pop chairties that never did anything before, start to pop up to fast and too quick on social sites, who is talking about that. Think about it! 9-11 and hurricane katrina funding. .

They just wasted a half billion dollars in raised funds to Haiti. $400,000,000 from non-profits and Americans, and other nations and $100,000,000 from Obama (tax payers). The polical heads that are still alive, have already picked out new homes in other countries, including America and spent that money on luxury items in their heads. We have been giving them money for years and my thought was, why their government didnt give them a stimulus package and why were they so poor.Millions poor into Haiti, millions.  Top officials in Haiti live good, I mean very good. . I have meant a few of their families that live in Miami and they brag about their homes and the pictures that they have shown me. I am blown away by all of this. Can I get a biscuit please? $$

Scientist did warn them (top officials) of the earthquake, so what happend in that communication? More people could have lived.


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