Monday, November 30, 2009

Why I havent written in a month? THANKSGIVING, R u N need?

Some of you know Thanksgiving is a very sad time for me, but this year was different. I stayed in the house and ate only once, yeah and it was less than 300 calories. I did a lot of thinking, meditation and church, just having a wonderful time being happy. Then on Black Friday is where my holiday turned UGLY. OK!

Someone bought me a light sweater, bcuz the weather was changing and she knew I wasn't working, like I use to and was job hunting. So when she was bringing me back to my brothers house Friday night it was freezing like 45 degrees outside. We are driving and I saw this lady sitting next to a grocery cart full of her things shivering, with her head bent down. So I asked my EX- GF , (who will remain nameless), well let's; nick name her HEFFA. So I asked this Heffa to turn around I needed to go into Walgreens, that was a lie on my part. I walked down the sidewalk and gave this trashy and odor ridden lady my new sweater which I loved. She was so stank my eyes watered the closer I got to her. She told me she was hungry and I told her I came to give her my sweater and I only had $1.30 on me and she could have it.

Now the Heffa I was with, said Y the hell you gave that bitch the sweater I just bought you. I said I will give you $20 when I get paid, and I appreciate it, but I guess that means I cant ask you for $3 to give her. lolol, I said that lady has no where to sleep, shelters are crowed and at least I have a place to sleep tonight".
This Heffa said, I don't give them bums shit, all they do is drank it up" Now to my knowledge and I don't claim to be the smartest person on the planet, but how can you DRINK up a sweater? I asked her and she got mad, do you know this Heffa left me at Walgreens and I had to walk to my brothers house 7 blocks with my things in my hand, it was freezing Friday night.

So guess who called today Monday after Thanksgiving to apologize, she said she was reprimanded by her husband. I believe that. He is a good person and honestly always has been too good for her, but anyway, I diverse, lolol So after she finished talking, I politely said, I am walking into an interview and its not a problem if you don't talk or call me any more. (hint, hint) I prefer friends that care for others, bcuz if you see me in the streets one day, I wanna know your not gonna walk over and kick me, but give me a helping hand.

The world would be a better place and I would be much happier than I am, if we just PAID A LITTLE FORWARD, it doesn't take much, just a little. Put a quarter in someone's expired meter, buy a friend some lunch, if you see they might cant afford it, give a new paid a shoes to a kid at a less fortunate school (teachers know, just ask who the kids are). . THINK ABOUT IT!

What a Heffa she is, Ill get that bitch the $18 we paid for the sweater at Ross, lolol but she is no longer a friend of mine, she had been downgraded to (pass me by associate) lolol

Dumping Ass Wipes in 2009 is still my motto. . . .Kick rocks if you don't agree. . .

Good Energy from today, tomorrow, and the future. . . . .


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