Monday, June 21, 2010

Men and their insecurities! WOW!

Had a father's day cookout last night. Had Fun! But questions lingered thru the night. The man that I like showed jealousy of another man hitting on me, ( that has no chance with me) How can someone stop someone else from liking them. So men just like the chace, but that chace with me can go on for years, until their death.

They get mad if you dont give them your phone number. They dont know how to court women any more, bcuz of all the chicken heads that made their pussy so readily easy for men not to have to work for it. Then women like myself have a hard time searching for the kind of man we want and like.

And yall wonder why women turn gay, ITS EASIER BITCHES! (men) lolol

If a man is not secure enough to trust a woman who likes a certain type of man, never showed any interest in anyone else but you and tells you how she feels. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM? This kinda shit pisses me off. I dont have time for drama or bull shit in my life. This shit will only push me away and seek another. So fellas if you have a great woman, dont try her. Sometimes we push back, and TRUST! It will sting in the end.

Just let me do me and you, then there will not be any problems. What the hell should I do, I think I am gonna have to flip the script for a minute and see if that works for me. If it does, I will find someone else any way, becuz that means, he is so content with bull shit, he doesnt know how to respond to anything else. I'm too old for this shit now, and tired... So fuck it!

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