Monday, June 21, 2010

Men and their insecurities! WOW!

Had a father's day cookout last night. Had Fun! But questions lingered thru the night. The man that I like showed jealousy of another man hitting on me, ( that has no chance with me) How can someone stop someone else from liking them. So men just like the chace, but that chace with me can go on for years, until their death.

They get mad if you dont give them your phone number. They dont know how to court women any more, bcuz of all the chicken heads that made their pussy so readily easy for men not to have to work for it. Then women like myself have a hard time searching for the kind of man we want and like.

And yall wonder why women turn gay, ITS EASIER BITCHES! (men) lolol

If a man is not secure enough to trust a woman who likes a certain type of man, never showed any interest in anyone else but you and tells you how she feels. WHAT THE FUCK IS THE PROBLEM? This kinda shit pisses me off. I dont have time for drama or bull shit in my life. This shit will only push me away and seek another. So fellas if you have a great woman, dont try her. Sometimes we push back, and TRUST! It will sting in the end.

Just let me do me and you, then there will not be any problems. What the hell should I do, I think I am gonna have to flip the script for a minute and see if that works for me. If it does, I will find someone else any way, becuz that means, he is so content with bull shit, he doesnt know how to respond to anything else. I'm too old for this shit now, and tired... So fuck it!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


When I was growing up, the “Unofficial Woman’s Handbook” always spun the idea, that when it came to a woman’s virtue, the best bet would be to hold on to what you have, and a man’s response to your chastity would resolve itself into a life of happiness and matrimony.
We’ve all heard the phrase, “Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free.” Words were no truer a reality, then they are now in this generation where marriage has become somewhat of an urban legend, or possibly the next stop in mythological findings.

Times have definitely changed, and the game of love doesn’t necessarily honor its members with a salute of longevity by way of exchanging vows. Rather, the new plan of attack is to just cop yourselves a prototype; a title officially known to most as “wifey.”

But what exactly is a wifey anyway? Is this the new standard women should aim for rather than bothering with the archaic ideology that marriage is the game of fortune?

Wifey’s are far different than being a man’s girlfriend. Usually a girlfriend aspires to be a man’s wife. On the other hand, wifey’s aspire to keep a man happy, whether the title of wife comes in the future or not.

The name in itself has all the pleasures of everything a wife possesses, but when a brother wants to walk away, he can do so without having to miss a beat due to court appearances or battles over the shared property.

In the wake of recent public divorces involving Swizz Beatz and Dwyane Wade, it would seem as if the exchanging of vows no longer offers the security it once did when it comes to hoping for a guarantee in forever. Does this mean love would be better served if we just threw away the idea of marriage? Should we opt to stay in the pretense of matrimony with someone who would be willing to wear the crown without being sworn in to the throne?


It might save people a lot of trouble and misfortune, to just cop themselves a wifey, instead of trying to find forever with a wife. Hmph… if only I believed that theory.
Unfortunately, being able to cut your losses when the going gets tough is becoming the most attractive venture in aspiring relationships. It’s also an excuse for folks to treat love like a temporary tattoo–easily washed and removed when the surface appears to get tattered and torn, rather then working to fix the problems.

In examining the two, there are vast differences in both titles.

The duties of a wifey are definitely not those of a wife.
Oh no. A wifey’s sole responsibility is to keep it fun, playful, and sexually interesting at all times. They don’t have to worry about exploring the budget, because the plan isn’t for them to hold down a household. And until that theory changes, they can enjoy the perks of living the life of a wife, without having to actually worry about paying the mortgage.
But what really makes these women so attractive to men is they’d rather settle down with someone who they see no end in sight with?

To many, wifeys mark the difference between a man coming home to a frumpy housemate, versus running home to play house with a sexy bedmate.

Most cheaters claim after they got married, everything changed. All the sexy their woman once had dried up like a grape turning into a raisin once the vows were said. Wifey’s on the other hand stay sexy year round, which makes them a more attractive mate, than waking up next to a woman who suddenly looks like her mom.
In defense of said women, the responsibilities of a wife far outweigh the laid back lifestyle of a man’s wifey. Wives cook and clean, while wifeys kick back, relax, and look good on a man’s arm. Wives have to work full time, and maintain the household once they get home. Wifeys have to maintain only the relationship by keeping a man pleasured, happy, and continually interested in their presence.
It should be noted that just because a woman gets married doesn’t mean she’ll let herself go. There are plenty of women who can sustain a superwoman posture, and still remind their man why he chose them in the first place.

Yet even with all of this on the table, more and more men are either leaving their wives for these women, or settling with women who are cool with the idea they never have to formally commit to forever.

With Michelle Obama standing tall as the wife many of us desire to one day be, should we still hope our men will always want to “Put a Ring On It,” or must we prepare ourselves for the role of playing house for as long as our car is allowed in the driveway?

Is it cool to be a wifey or should be demand to be a wife? Do you think a woman can be both?

REPOSTED FROM CLUTCH MAGAZINE. . . . all my thoughts reminded me, I needed that. ..

What made u want to settle or did you forget to ask yourself that important question? You know the woman you are and what all you have to offer? Do you feel that your worthy of being the wife and not Wifey? What made him marry her and not you, but your still around? What could you have done differently to make that change? Would it be forever with you, or will another woman later, become Wifey, while your the wife?

So many questions and only 1 answer. ( Get your own and figure it out, leave her man alone) by Joe Bacon

The Unknown! CANNON