Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friendships, Sisterhood, Trust, Communication, and Responsiblity.

I know its been a month but for anyone who knows me, ya know I was at the Super Bowl and this year the Pro Bowl was thrown in there. . . .
Anyway, ya already know how I feel about Haiti. Well another subject has shifted my focus tonight. .

A girlfriend that once was a great friend to me, now gone rouge. . .

Friendship- state of being friends with someone. This is something that I take very seriously. Do people really not value awesome friends anymore. Sometimes friends treat you better than your own family. I cant understand why anyone in their right mind, who needs friends would treat another person so crudely.

Sisterhood- sisterly relationship, solidarity of women based on shared conditions, experience, or concerns. We had great times together and thought there were reasons to lie, steal, or hurt each other.

Trust- assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something, one of which confidence is placed. When I can no longer trust someone it angers me to unbelievable heights and evilness, because the lie is so petty and never should have been told. $$ and life play a huge factor in the situation. I am just in total awe of the entire situation. . . . .

Communication- a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common sense of symbols, signs, or behavior. Do people not realize that if your in trouble and you are suppose to be friends, that you are their to support them. Kids are involved and you should not take that lightly.

Responsibility- something for which one is responsible (burden) - has neglected her responsibilities. As a mother your child should come first, not men, not your pride, not your family- that beautiful child of yours. . .

Situation is that I have this girlfriend that use to be very close to me, but until 3 years ago she started to change. She went from being a country club member, football players & very sucessful men, being respected by the community,alot of friends, beamers & benz to men who live in halfway houses, lying, friends who tolerate her and money issues.

3 yeas ago she started dating someone who had only been out of jail for 3 weeks. He lived in a half way house, after doing 10 years in jail. (yeah- I know) Yall don't understand this is no hood chick, has a family of means, support, and money. Board member in different social groups, does fundraising, goes to social balls and knows what the term "Seasons" mean in Palm Beach, lolol if U have to ask, then U don't know, lolol And her last boyfriend played for the Chicago Bears.

Anyway, where was I? oh. so he is out of jail after 10 years, and in a half way house. Now, she has a jaguar, a beamer, 2 houses, job that pays over $100,000 a year, single with no kids. PRIME of her life. .

Now her new beau straight outta jail, is driving her cars, and she is treating his family to dinner and shopping sprees. "I'm floored as well as her other friends and her family. We tried the nice approach, which U already figured didn't work, then cursing her out before things got out of hand.

So she is now falling in love, lost her mind and crazy within 2 months of meeting this guy. So now she is talking about marriage and of course my phone keeps hanging up on her, I have no idea( the line just dies, lolol) anyway, a few months later she is telling me she is pregnant ( I think its a bad joke but its true) he still living in the half way house. So now, she is getting married, I asked her if she wants me to slit her wrist for her, especially after she tells me about her moms disapproval (YA THINK! ) He is also kicking her ass, we cant talk about that right now, I am getting mad.

The OMG moment! While she is waiting on him to take her to the court house and get married, he just called to say "I love you" ooops, no wrong story, he called to say "I decided to marry someone else and I am now married to her" WTF, OMG, Kill yo self drama. . I was looking for Jerry Springer to come busting thru the door or Aston Kutcher to say "your being punked". 2 weeks later, we find out, not only did he marry someone else on her, but the new wife is pregnant and they are a week apart on delivery dates and there is a 3rd lady pregnant as well. . I ask, can U believe it? This is a true story. . .WAIT THERE IS ALOT MORE. . so now she is really lost her MIND, not calling her crazy, she has become crazy. . And I know love is a mutha fucka, but dam. .Yall shouldn't have been together in the first place. Now she is looking real stupid, what did you think would happen with a nigga who been locked up for 10 years with no PUSSY. WHAT DID YOU THINK WOULD HAPPEN, REALLY? I need to know.

So now she starts dating another man she met, while taking him back and forth from the half way house. . I guess hoping to see him and make him jealous. her rationalization for anything is out the door. Same thing with this one, but now she is 7 months pregnant and sleeping with someone else in the halfway house with 9 kids. She has the baby, the guy is maybe around until 2 months after, then she is back with the baby daddy who has left his wife, but not divorced her. (I guess he needed money to support that other family) lolol he came back for a few months and left again. . .Back to his wife and $6 an hour job, and my friend is just a lunatic. . she is now stalking him, buying things for his family (sisters and his son from before he went to prison) I call her crazy, bcuz she has lost he job running behind him and now is not working. Her daughter is quickly growing up. She lost both houses and both cars and moved in with her parents. Its another year, and the child they had is now a year and a half. For some reason - I think he needed money again and his wife put him up to it, she is slimy just as he is, now I knew why he married her, aside from her being pregnant too.

Holidays 2009,around October- she gets a house and they move in together, but this was short lived. The wife only kicked him out, no intentions on divorcing him. He started to kick her ass again and this time breaks her arm. YES BROKE HER FUCKING ARM. . . and then left her on Christmas Day to spend time with his real family. She calls me outta the blue bcuz I started to separate my friendship from her for over a year now.

I realize she needed a friend, so in January 2010, I decide to go see her, but for 2 weeks she kept having emergencies come up. . So I finally said, "look bitch I will be there in the morning , fuck the bullshit" she comes out and says she is 5.5 months pregnant by him. . OMG...........................................................!

I mean, WTF . . . The first thing I could say was when is ur appointment at the clinic for an AB? WHAT? Yall just don't know. . She says, she doesn't know if she can get it done, I'm thinking she is talking about time, this bitch is considering having another child by him. . I told her it was up to 6mths, and don't make me call her mom. . . I couldn't even go see her, I was so mad. . .She went about 5 days later to terminate the pregnancy. . . .Said her mother took her, I now do NOT believe that.

So I am trying to give her support because I feel so sadden by her change in demeanor, and mind set. And just embarrassed for her all together as my friend. I mean, I am a hermit at times, but I have 4 very strong friendships that I call on in a time of need. . And for her not to come to me, I am just floored, mad, and in awe at what she has been getting involved in.. .

So lets go to 2 weeks ago, Super Bowl week in South Florida, she claims to be moving into a new house for a new start. Well yesterday I am at her house around 11:30a, she flew out of town at 7am, but didn't tell me yet again what type of trouble she is in. . Landlord comes to evict her, wait she moved in 2 weeks ago. . She has written 2 bad checks and then deposited a check for a closed account into the homeowners business account (can you say FELONY?). . . so the landlord is informing me that I have to visit, I tell him no problem, I don't even live here and was visiting, I will pack my luggage and be on my way sir. So I am looking for my wallet, I find everything, except my wallet. I call her, she says well my car is at the airport in the city she flew out of, then I say, ok I need to go get it, then she said she flew out of another city 45 minutes away. . I said fuck it. Its no telling where my wallet is. So now today, I have been calling her for over 24 hours and no phone calls or text's. So I am now wondering, is this bitch hiding from me, she better not be, she better be in jail.

She went to JAIL yesterday for wire fraud, where she flew out of, I guess it was business! WOW, what an ending to a 3 year turmoil of foolishness.

I was and am so fucking mad at her, and now I cant stop crying, why will happen to the baby & and her things in the house. Shit is so fucked up, I will now value even the smallest of new friendships and always have at least 2 people who I can depend on, i wish she would have known, I was that person should could depend on.

But at the same time, I still want to and may choke the bitch when she gets out. . .

1 comment:

Wynn said...

It was good for you to get your feelings out.

The Unknown! CANNON