Friday, November 4, 2011

Why do people think you are jealous of them? Do they NOT have mirrors in their homes?

Could it be because they are jealous of you? I think so!
Why am a saying this?

I heard a woman say that another was jealous of her friend and after seeing her friend, I said that woman who made that statement must be blind. They must be jealous of the other and she is trying to stroke her friends ego.

The friends-(lets call her Asia) lack of curves, knocking knees, Sponge Bob like shape, no boobs, ass, hips or any type of shape what so ever, how on earth could the other woman be jealous, I wondered. The Sponge Bob impersonator then proceeded after Halloween to speak about a show Grimm and said how some people change their faces. I thought how weird for her to make that statement, when I saw the show I said she could be a stand in for the monsters (no mask or make up needed- she does a great job of that on her own) lmfao. A comedian once told me, I would let her suck my dick, but I wont sleep with her no telling how many have been up in there. Another man who she thinks wants her said "I am just nice to her becuz she puts it out there, Ill take it cause she offering" "But when the bitch asked about my ex-boyfriend, in efforts of sleeping with him. Whoa! I cant be affiliated with hoes unless they are working for me. lolol ( thats a joke) maybe, lolol. .. .Hoes have no boudries, oh did I tell you she is married? lmfao

The commenter- (lets call her no neck) lives with her mother bcuz she didnt want to pay rent any more with her room mate. I guess $500 a month is too much to pay when you drive a mercedes and have a shoppinng habit that takes all of your income, married but husband lives in another city so he can find peace and women from her nagging and crazy behavior, she however is a walking boob shelf with no neck or ass. lolol. Doesnt pay her car payments to feed her shopping disease and asked a co-worker to take over her payments for her so she could get another car thats cheaper. Tries to down nose those around her, but they have no idea she has nothing but her clothes, if she sold those she would have a nice savings, lolol.

Both women share some common factors even though they have talked about each other and didnt even like each other a few months ago. They share that same lack of an ass, they love bad weaves and bad hair, and they both lack healthy relationships with men, lolol.

But the woman they both hate because they lack morals, lives in her own apartment, her car is paid for, and has career minded choices that she is seeking out in life not to let them destroy them but make them aware of who she is and what they are trying to do to her. Could they be jealous is her curves, cuteness, morals, bottle shape figure, ambition, and gorgeous hair. She doesnt hold her tongue to their bullshit. I THINK SO!

So in retrospective they do have reasons to try and boost each others ego's, no one else will. Play wit it bitches, no one else will!


The Unknown! CANNON